Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blown Away!!

  The last week before December 25th! The busy-ness can be overwhelming but we have it mostly under control.

  Sandy got the yearly traditional cookies done yesterday just in time to take out for Caroling at church last night.

We picked up our grand-daughter Mary Kate and joined a few dozen other people at our church to visit members of the church family who don't get out of their homes often.

It was a blessing to the Carolers and the Carolees - we asked the people we went to visit what their favorite carol was so that we could sing that for them and the answer was always:

"I love them all!"

(although one gentleman at a retirement home really wanted us to sing "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer")

What a great answer, 
we love all of the songs that celebrate our Saviors birth.

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As we were reading our Christmas devotional this morning we came across this quote:

"The reason we celebrate Christmas is that 
we are still blown away
by the incredible news that 
God became a baby that night in Bethlehem."

In the midst of cookies, shopping, wrapping, caroling, we read a message like that and we stop and think and the wonder of it all 


"When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father's commandments and remain in his love. 
I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. 
Yes, your joy will overflow!"
John 15:10-11

God, who said, "let there be light in the darkness," 
has made this light shine in our hearts 
so we could know the glory of God 
that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6


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