Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Our First Newsletter!

It's a bit daunting...how to get a whole bunch of information on one 8 1/2 x 11 piece of white paper.  Not too much information - not too little.  A photo or two to give you, prayer requests, praise reports. We are blessed to be able to make use of other media outlets to get you information!  So here in blog form is our first newsletter.  Watch for them quarterly - and check out our Facebook page for family updates!

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August 28, 2014

What in the World is God doing?
            Do you ever ask this question about what is going on in and around your life?

     This was the topic for an evening of mission reports we recently had in our church in Chattanooga. Several groups and individuals shared their physical and spiritual adventures. We were blessed to hear that all the news is not bad news and we heard how people’s lives are being changed by the power of the Gospel around the world and in our neighborhoods.

     We had the chance to share that evening about what God is doing in our lives with our opportunity to serve in Canada. We told how God had worked through different situations to close and open doors to lead us towards Lethbridge. We shared what happened in Lethbridge this summer: Amazing Grace Community Church in Lethbridge, along with help from two church groups who traveled there from the U.S., held a sports camp attended by over a hundred and twenty neighborhood children.  Games were played, food was eaten and most importantly – Jesus was shared! We are looking forward to joining the church in Lethbridge as they reach out to the community and the Blackfoot people in humility to share the love of Jesus.

     It has been exactly two months – June 26th – since we became Mission to the World missionaries – and we have definitely felt God working on both of us. We are actively studying and learning, praying and preparing for our work in Canada. We have come across many good resources for learning how we can best share the love of Jesus with the First Nations people – learning how to be still and listen.  

     Support raising can typically be a faith-building and frustrating time, one that requires continuous attitude adjustments and dealing with highs and lows. But it has been a joy to reconnect with friends and see God’s faithfulness over the years in their families and in our relationships. September will see us traveling to Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio to visit with friends and family and build our support team. Howard will be visiting Canada again in early October to meet with church leaders and seek support. And we plan to visit Florida again at the end of October to share with churches and friends. Thank you to all of you who are joining us as prayer and financial partners. God’s people have been generous with their hearts and their finances and we currently stand at about 18% of the support we need to get to Canada.
     Pray for us as we continue to prepare to join God in what he is doing around the world!

                Grateful to serve,

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August Road trips!

We were on the road again this past week.

On Saturday we visited family in Nashville - 
thanks for the hospitality Janie, Dave, Ryan, Jack, Will and Brady! 

On Sunday evening we worshiped with the friends at First Presbyterian Church in Crossville, Tennessee.   It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon drive over the hills and through the valleys.  We traveled the 127 yard sale road and were thankful we were not on the road when the sale was actually happening. There were still many people who had sales set up.  What a lot of stuff that one could get a deal on - or not - but that is a discussion for another day.

We drove home in the light of the silvery moon - that beautiful super-moon.  I forgot my camera or I would have had Howard pull over to get a great photo of it as it rose over the mountains of East Tennessee.  ( I borrowed someone else's photo - thanks)

Moon glowing red through smoky haze

Later this week we are traveling to Sweetwater and Athens.

In September we head to Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois,
(and maybe an Ohio squeezed in too).  
And then another trip to Florida in October. 

Thankful for the 5% cash back on the Discover Card when used as gas stations until the end of September!!


Monday, August 4, 2014

My Creator - Your Creator

 I don't know if it's me or if it's just God opening my eyes as I continue to prepare for this ministry He has called Howard and I to participate in with Him.

  Lately every sermon has been a good one - yes - every one.  Each time I hear a Pastor's message - whether in person, on the radio or one I read.

  I'd like to share the message from last week - my take on what was shared from the pulpit and how I feel it is something we can take to Lethbridge and the people there.

  Jeremiah 31:33 "This is the covenant I will make with them house of Israel after that time," declares the Lord. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."

  God is taking the initiative with me and with all people everywhere - He wants a relationship with everyone and He is going to make it happen!! He Has the Power!

  Whoohoo!! I get to show up and be along for God's plan of action in people's hearts.

 Jeremiah 31:34 "No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, "Know the Lord," because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest." declares the Lord.

 I am so encouraged because I have been reading that the Blackfoot Nation believe in a Creator.                                                    http://www.bloodtribe.org/content/kainayssini

They also believe in many other things that do not line up with God's plan, but I have a starting point.

   I am looking forward to help introduce them to the Creator who wants to have a relationship with broken and needy and imperfect people like me and like them.

 The Creator who has written His law in their minds and hearts.

 Pray for hearts to be prepared!