Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Belated Happy Valentines Day!

When you are on the road traveling it is not always easy to update the blog due to creative juices and internet connections. So here is what I had prepared for last week but didn't get it out there.

A year ago Howard and I bought each other a new house (#8) for Valentines Day.  Here are some photos from a year ago.

 We have done a lot to fix it up!

Here we are this year:

Since we won't be able to top that, we have a couple of other things planned. One is a road trip!!
 See more information about that on our previous post this week.

The other gift we are giving each other is a trip to the movie theater sometime during our travels. We will be trying to find a theater that will be showing the movie

Old Fashioned

You can see the YouTube trailer for this movie at the following link: Old Fashioned  I don't usually pay full price for a movie that doesn't have to be seen on the big screen (the Hobbit etc. are must sees in a theater), but will do so in order to support my beliefs. 

I encourage you all to go support this movie as a response to the other "big event" movie that is from a book that has taken the female population by storm.  It just saddens my heart to hear about how this book and movie is being celebrated everywhere - I have made it a point to boycott the TODAY show because of their weeklong celebration of the book and movie.

Hope you and yours had a great Valentines Day!

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