Enough of that now.
At our church here in Chattanooga, Covenant Presbyterian Church, there are a group of ladies who have been invited to join a Facebook group called One Word 2019. I have been invited this year and have joined the group.
The idea is to study just One Word from God's Word, the Bible, for a whole year. I am excited to study my word - HOPE. If you need a "get-in-the-word" challenge - join me! Comment on this post with your word and we will spend 52 weeks finding our word in The Word to us from God - The Bible
Each week I will give you my verse that talks about Hope that I have meditated on that week, along with photos of coloring pages I used and songs I listened too.
Week 1 - Romans 15:13 -
New International Version (NIV)
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Key words: God, Hope, Joy, Peace, Trust, Overflow, Power, Holy Spirit
Favorite Commentary on Passage: Ligonier Commentary
Thoughts: This is a prayer asking God to fill me with Hope - God is my Hope and will provide me with Hope. How often do I forget to ask God for anything. Because I am full of sin I forget or loose my Hope on a regular basis, it is good to know I can ask for it, and God will even provide Hope that leads to joy and peace when I don't ask. Thinking about Hope regularly will lead to joy and peace and increase my Trust and then it will overflow into the rest of my life and those I connect with - Cool!!

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