Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas - A time for forgetting self.

"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17

  This past Thursday, Howard and I went to the Lethbridge Correctional Center and brought Christmas to the inmates who are there during the holidays. They were given a paper bag colored by children from local schools, filled with cookies and treats, a tube of toothpaste, some Irish Spring soap and a bottle of Gatorade. Given in the name of Jesus with Christmas Carols sung and many handshakes given.

This coming Monday, December 19th, we will celebrate Christmas with our Amazing Kids and their families. It will be a packed house I am sure. We will sing, and eat - CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN ANYONE?,  and learn a bit about Jesus through the story of his birth. 

  Next Tuesday I will go again to the Lethbridge food bank and help hand out Christmas hampers to those in our area who are out of work during this time of year, or just need a little extra to make it through the month. I have been volunteering there since last June when a group of folks from Tennessee helped us get acquainted with their work. I meet so many great people and hear their stories.

    Tomorrow morning I will ask the kids of Amazing Grace Community Church what they think they need for Christmas during the lighting of the Advent candle. Pastor Rohan will share a message called Christmas is about A Savior – “Fulfillment of what you Need” 

 What do I really need for Christmas?   I need to get out of the house and move into the neighborhood....
  Just as Jesus did those many years ago.

The Word became a human being
and lived here with us.
We saw his true glory, 
the glory of the only Son
of the Father.

From him all the kindness
and all the truth of God
have come down to us.             
John 1:14 

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