Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Leuven and Brussels city center

From Thursday to Saturday this week we have been out and about in several areas of Belgium.

We are staying at the Operation Mobilization center in Zaventem. We spent an afternoon and evening in Leuven. We ventured into "downtown" Brussels, and then we went exploring in Schaarbeek, which is a community in Brussels.

Here is a sampling of what we have seen so far. It is overwhelming, which is what we are supposed to feel as we learn how to sink or swim in a cross-cultural environment. We will share more thoughts and photos as the weeks go on during our month here.
Our first trip on a train - on our way to the city of Leuven, part of an observation assignment we were given.
Rail station.
Our group exiting train.
You don't get any money for your plastic bottles or aluminum cans here. (for our Canadian friends)
We took a photo of the main streets on our camera since we didn't have a map, then we could
 refer to the photo when we weren't sure where we were.
Great message outside a home.
Many people bike everywhere - Leuven is a University town.
Rebuilding an old building but salvaging the facade.
We found a park and enjoyed the cool of the greenery on a very hot day.
There was some water and a playground so there were many families
and groups of people trying to stay cool.
Howard found a couple of young men to talk with - our assignment was to get to know the feel of the city by observing and talking to people who were open to speak with us.
In the courtyard of the University in town, just outside the courtyard I met a young lady from the University who was participating in a "Green Fair" where they were exchanging plants and other home-made and renewable resources.
We had dinner at an outdoor Italian restaurant with our team.
Statues of important people on the outside of the Ministry/Government building in Leuven.
Ministry building
The Cathedral in Leuven across the street from the Ministry building.
Got a kick out of this advertising in Leuven - I haven't had much time to shop though, hopefully
we will have some free time in a couple of weeks.

We took a photo of the downtown Brussels area to help us find our way around,
but then were able to acquire a map from some English tourist who had an extra.
We found the main Cathedral in Brussels ( I haven't found names for everything yet).
We stayed inside for a bit and enjoyed the cool air and the pipe organ which was being played.

There are Bach concerts every Tuesday night through August and we may try to attend one.

We had to find the "Stock Exchange" for Brussels - the building in the background is it.

Just a fun round-a-bout

Cartoon statue selfie.

Howard found someone to talk to by the statue in Belgium that commemorates
their freedom from Napoleon in 1870, and also has plaques regarding WW2.

I met a French man who was touring the city and offered to take his photo
in front of the statue and he took mine.  I then saw this same gentleman in front of the water fountain below.
Typical street in the city.

Many beautiful flowers this time of year.

The gentleman behind me had just taken his folded up bike out of the trunk of his car and assembled it to cruise around.

Loved the front of this building which protruded from the others and was all of ornate wood.

The central fountain in the largest park in Brussels. Saw a German shepherd dog
come up to the pond and catch a fish and wander off with it.

Met a mother and her children who were filling up water balloons to cool each other off.

Wish there had been a concert in this gazebo.

One of the buildings near the royal palace.

Cool shot of the new and the old in Brussels.

There - now you have seen our "slides"!
(Hope you weren't too bored)

1 comment:

Julzvg said...

Love your "slides" thanks for taking lots of pictures. I am now extremely thankful for your love of pictures as we get to see your experiences and what you are doing! Love you mom and dad!