As the Matriarch of the family (being the oldest by 8 months) I start it off with a Birthday on the 12th, followed by our daughter-in-law Holly's Birthday on the 13th, then our son Mike's Birthday on the 24th, and our Anniversary on the 25th!!
By then we are all ready for the Memorial Day weekend and a break.
This year is a bit different!

Because we added another Celebration date to our month: on May 1st, 2015 we received the pledge that took us to 100% of our support.
Yes the fireworks went off -
We attended a Chattanooga Lookouts Ball game right after we found out, and - as it was Friday night - there are always fireworks after the game!

We give a big shout out to the Platt family for taking us over the top!
And so now begins the new countdown....
To help you put this in perspective, let's go to the engaged couple - Howard Vander Griend and Sandy Statkus. 34 years ago at this time. Sandy was in Florida preparing for the upcoming wedding date, May 25, 1981, Memorial Day.
Howard was in Michigan finishing up his classes at Calvin College.
The excitement was every engaged couple knows.
The planning was finally all complete, and all the parties had arrived.
We had the rehearsal in the morning of the day we were married and a cookout lunch by the pool and then went our separate ways to put on our finery.
And then there were those thoughts...and butterflies...
...WOW! I am really getting married. In a few short hours. To the person I will spend the rest of my life with - am I ready?
It really makes you stop and think - you know the feelings you had, right?
That's what it is like for Howard and I now.
We have spent the last 10 and a half months telling folks about our passion to go and serve and share Jesus with the Blackfoot people in the Lethbridge area. So many of you have encouraged us and are now supporting us prayerfully and financially.
We plan to leave Chattanooga on June 10th and begin the 3 day drive up to Canada.
Are we ready?
I have butterflies.
But we are so excited and ready TO GO!
Praise and Prayer -
1. Finding enough time in the days and weeks to pack.
2. Saying goodbye to our kids, grandkids and friends here.
3. Staying healthy in these busy days.
4. Thanks to all our prayer and financial supporters.
5. Thanks to our Heavenly Father who has provided the means for us to share the gospel in Lethbridge.
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