This past Monday evening Howard and I ventured out of our normal world of existence - we attended a High School CRU - CityWide event in Chattanooga. We spent the evening praising God with 75+ high-schoolers.
What is Cru? - It is the high school and junior high ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
CRU-High School has the goal of:
WINNING students to Christ
BUILDING them up in their faith
SENDING them out to reach others for Christ
While Howard and I are in our Support Raising portion of Ministry we want to involve ourselves in others lives, we want to learn and absorb as much as we can that will help us when we arrive in Lethbridge. Spending time with High School youth is a way we can minister to others, share our testimony and SHOW THEM JESUS, right here in Chattanooga. We hope to spend Mondays nights for the next few months with Jill and the students from Brainerd High School.
In addition to Praising God through song, enjoying a bit of YouTube fun and prayers, we heard about the recent event that many of them had attended. The event they attended was called FAST BREAK. It was a 3 day event for youth that have been attending CRU meetings, it is a time of fun, training, and worship for the kids who attend.
One of the young men who attended shared something really great that I wanted to share with you - something I have been thinking about and want you to think about.
The high school seniors who attended where challenged to come up with their TWO WORDS.
Two words that would describe their before Christ and after Christ lives.
Two words that they could share when they left high school and would lead into their testimony.
Two words that no one could dispute because the words belong to them and are true for them.
I didn't have a paper to write down his TWO WORDS, and I don't remember all of his testimony to share with you, but it was good, really good.
I had been baptized and educated in the church, prayed to Jesus as a child and learned all the stories about Him. But then I recalled the time when I was 12 years old and was attending catechism classes. Through what we were learning I was convicted that I needed to make my relationship with Jesus more than just head knowledge and my parents faith. I was convicted to move from being Happy in my home, church and belief in Jesus, to being Content in Jesus no matter what was going to happen in my life in the future. A maturity process was begin, one that is still being worked out day to day as I remind myself I can be Content in all things because I have a relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ.
So here are my two words:
Happy - Content
And you can see where my testimony started and where it is going. After all, isn't a testimony all about what you have seen happen? And I have seen Jesus moving me from being Happy to being Content, my TWO WORDS that I can share with others whether they are family, friends, students, adults, little children, believers and unbelievers.
Challenge - What are your TWO WORDS?
*All photos THROW-BACK-THURSDAY proof that Howard and I were high-schooler's a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
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