Here are some more photos, a photo of Sandy actually doing something - I was doing plenty, but I am usually taking photos. Here we are putting the metal siding on the lower level. Later that day we put the siding on the upper level.
Here are finished photos of the building with all of the siding and windows in except for on the ends. They need to wait for us to build the porches on each end in order to put the siding around the wood.
We had a lot of fun with the setting up and moving of scaffolding. Julie and Mike were the monkeys, Howard provided the strength and I took photos of it all.
Here is another shot of Sandy helping install something - or is that uninstall?? This is the view of the barn facing southwest - a large covered porch will be going over the lower central opening. That opening will have wooden doors that swing out and will be painted red with white 'x's on them to make the barn like look.
This is the entry to the house from the animal stall area. You will enter and then a "guys" bathroom will be on your left and the stairs going up will be on your right.
Here is another shot of Sandy helping install something - or is that uninstall?? This is the view of the barn facing southwest - a large covered porch will be going over the lower central opening. That opening will have wooden doors that swing out and will be painted red with white 'x's on them to make the barn like look.
This is the entry to the house from the animal stall area. You will enter and then a "guys" bathroom will be on your left and the stairs going up will be on your right.
1 comment:
H & S,
We thought when you became empty nesters, you were suppose to "downsize"!
We are so happy to learn of your adventures to Tennesee. Glad you are moving away from hurricanes and palmedo bugs!
We'll go pickup Jed and Granny and come over with some vittles!
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