In early December the Amazing Kids program finished up our quarter of studying how we Belong to the family of God - All of the kids who memorized the verse
signed their names to our poster and received a prize. What follows is a sampling of the season - in no particular order, we have been celebrating and singing, eating and visiting, and sharing the good news of Jesus.  
And lest you think it's all fun and games...we are getting snow every few days,
enough to make the white truck filthy.
We even acquired our first windshield chips on a drive down Montana we made last week to mail your Christmas Cards.
Read all the way to the end to hear about two young ladies who asked Jesus into their hearts this week. |
The last Monday of every month we have Family Dinners with our Amazing Kids families, and the tables are always covered with paper and crayons are provided - I am always impressed with the art work that shows up! |
Some of our Amazing Kids families enjoying our Christmas meal. |
It is a blessing to get to know the parents of the kids we hang out with on Monday afternoons! |
The Amazing Grace Church family had a Christmas Dinner with Carols and Gifts and Laughter. We were served by youth from the church who are raising funds for a trip for their French class.
Our bass-brothers practicing for Christmas Choir - Danny and Rohan. |
Howard found some "grand-kids" to play with during the meal. |
It's not Christmas without celebrating with kids and cake! |
This is my good friend Holly from the Lighthouse Church, we did
not plan to wear the same clothes last week - but it definitely warranted a photo!
Making snowmen with kids on the reserve during the Kids Party. |
On the Saturday before Christmas, I was teaching Sunday School to the children who attend Lighthouse Church. When the sermon begins, the kids and I head out to do a Bible lesson, make crafts, play games, sing songs, and play games.
This week, I read them the Christmas story from a great book which gets all the facts of the story correct - even adding Anna, Simeon and the Wise Men at the correct times in Jesus life. We then made necklaces with beads that told the story of Jesus life - anyone who has had me for a teacher knows the ones I mean.
As we were making them, I shared with two of the young ladies the meaning of the beads - how our sins keep us from going near to God and Jesus came at Christmas with the purpose to die on the cross for us. We then made hearts which said "For God so Loved______________" and they placed their names on the heart. I asked the girls if they understood what this means and they had a few questions, but yes - they did understand. I then asked if they wanted to invite Jesus to come into their hearts this Christmas.
On December 19th, 2015 - Astrid Three Persons and Kobe Small Eyes invited Jesus into their hearts. We celebrated afterwards by sharing with the rest of the congregation at Lighthouse Church. Their parents and grandparents were there to pray over them.
The Joys of Christmas Celebrations when we remember the Reason for the Season. |
(Again, apologies for some of the blurry photos. If someone could give me a recommendation for a camera that fits in your pocket that takes clear photos quickly - I would really appreciate it!)