So, it's been a rough few days - but a good few days also.
("It was the best of times - it was the worse of times")
Last Thursday as that huge operating system on our computer decided to do 19 updates - it froze and crashed the hard-drive. Just as we were preparing to participate in our churches 4 day Mission Conference.
Heart sunk, wallet emptied.
Much thankfulness was felt towards the Mission to the World staff who during our training encouraged us to have stories to share with people - not just photos!
Much thankfulness that there are computer geeks in this world who were able to rescue all of our data from the computer's hard-drive. Thankfulness that we purchased a plan a year ago that would cover this eventuality.
Our heart was filled during the past weekend as we shared our calling to work in Alberta among the Blackfoot people and the people in the city of Lethbridge with our great church family in Chattanooga.
Thank you to all of you who encouraged us, asked questions, and promised to continue to cover us in prayer.
As I sit here on a cold dreary day anticipating weather in the teens tonight - I am warmed by a great smelling candle I picked up and encouraged by the words I read in this mornings Bible Study. A book called SHOW THEM JESUS.
"Jacob's story in the Bible is a life story about God's goodness amid the mess"
My heart is lifted - even though I may be discouraged by a fallen world, broken things and broken people - including myself -
I have a God who has sent a Savior.
We can share that good news in our home's, our cities and around the world!