Where we hang our hats and welcome our friends:

Where we Hang our hats and Welcome our friends:
8011 Plaxco Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday walk in the Rainy Woods

Howard and I went for an evening walk tonight, it was still sprinkling from a long day of hard rains, but everything was "lime green" color and we had to go enjoy it.

Photos include a Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Mayapples, and other beautiful green plants coming to life.

Plants in the garden continue to bloom, strawberries are flowering and the potato plants are all up, we'll see if we beat the potato bugs this year since we have guinea hens...

Also, we enjoyed the creek flowing at full capacity.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

This week on the farm

  We went from record high temperatures on Monday to frost on Friday - with a rain storm in between. 
  Max came up on Tuesday and he and Howard moved the hay barn. The move was necessitated by the fact the we had originally used pine tree logs to support the roof and they were starting to rot.
  We also added some new baby chicks to the brood...little light gray ones called Lavendar Orpingers - thanks dear for humoring your wife.  And of course I added some photos of the flowers as they bloom - a special treat was catching some Monarch butterflys drinking out of a puddle when I went to feed to cows.
  And last BUT definitely not least - check out the size difference on Howard's tool belt from when he used it last summer - my special husband has lost almost 90 lbs in the last year!
  Enjoy the photos from the week - my favorite I think is Emily feeding Sven some grass when she came out to the farm for a visit.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Beautiful but tough week.

Spring has arrived in full bloom. Check our some of the Pear trees blooming, the crabapple and the Redbud.   The grass in the new pasture is a beautiful green color...it was even time to mow the grass.

On a sadder note, we lost 2 baby cows.  Raising a calf which has been removed from it's mother is not an easy proposition. We have continually battled respiratory problems and scour. We unfortunately have a less than 50% success rate. We get lots of advice from other farmers who have tried different things, sometimes they seem to work, sometimes not.

So, even though we post cute photos and have fun times, there are struggles. I am sure there is a lesson for us in this just as in everything in life.  We continue to live our lives and complete our daily work knowing that God is in control and has a plan.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Grandkids at the farm

Mike and his girls and Becky and the kids came out to play this morning.

We had a great time outside checking out the animals and playing in the yard.