We had a nice rain overnight and this morning which is good since Howard put down some more seed in the Hay pasture on Friday.

Today I had help on the Saturday morning chores. Carson and Emily are here for the day while Becky and John clean their Chattanooga home between renters. The kids and I also went and got some new baby chicks to add to the coop. Grandma Statkus is here for a few weeks also.
I'm only 2 days behind. It was a beautiful Saturday morning when I took these photos. It was sunny and warm all day.
What is that mystery item...some people will know, I just thought it was interesting looking that morning. The baby cows and baby chicks continue to grow.
The older cows mostly drink from the pond now, the pond is getting better at holding water.
I took some photos of garden areas too. Howard added a new peach tree and apple tree to our orchard area. Onions are in the ground, waiting for warmer weather for the rest.
What is the mystery photo? A cow lick, salt and minerals.
Wow, in with cold weather this morning!
The cows were all hungry. Check out the baby cow cave we have for the little ones to hide in when it's cold. They even have a space heater.
The baby chicks have lost all their cute fuzz, feel sorry for them with their "awkward in-between faze".
The guinea hens continue their roaming, fun to chase around and listen to their noise.
The promise of Spring is in the air.
Lots of work to do this week...found a fallen tree this morning and more rooted tree root holes in the pasture that need to be filled.